Saturday, July 30, 2011

Biggest lie

The biggest lie one can say is to answer "I'm fine! How about you?" as a reply to the "How are you?" question. The latter being the most disinterested questions the humankind could ever produce. No one actually gives a rat's ass about how you are! Now, there might be friends who are actually interested for the sake of gossiping or for the great feeling of "Ha! I am much better than this guy/gal!". 
Also if they know that you have been much better than them, even if they ask the dreadful question of "How are you?" they will make sure that they will change the subject so they will get to talk about themselves.

People LOVE to talk about themselves. Give them the opportunity and you will get to see the deepest they have. When the conversation ends up to the same topic again and again, you kindda know what is that person main concern. 

Also, I find it hypocrisy to contact someone and start with "How are you?" and asking them about all the things you are really not interested in just to end up asking for a favour. I think it would save a lot of time if you just say what you want to say. Why feel bad for having a life and don't have time to keep in touch when it comes to asking favours? Of course it is not nice to not contact a person for 2 years and then ask for a job recommendation, but hey... it can happen. We are human after all (perfect excuse to do things halfway or not do them at all, right?). 

So... why ask questions like "How have you been?" or "How are you?" when you are not really interested in that? And why lie that you are fine when you do not want to hear the more dreadful question of "Why? What happened?". Oh yes, is much more convenient to lie about being fine than to actually have to explain yourself to someone or to just pour your soul out. But still... why? Why not start telling them a LONG story about how have you been lately? (sometimes I do that just for the fun of hearing them trying to stop me. Yes, I know. Is mean).

Why lie to make others feel we are good when our worlds crumble? Why can't we just admit we are not perfect and our lives might not be perfect? Why do we have to pretend to be the best for others? What are the gains??


  1. mno... acu ma faci sa ma simt prost ca te mai intreb ce mai faci... si ca iti mai spun despre mine... imi cer scuze ca te-am deranjat

  2. nu a fost niciodată vorba de tine. și nici nu o să fie. :)
